monkey jewel

monkey jewel I supposed to write something here as well now?

Friday 4 May 2012

And Rant I shall

Tonight, I experienced an unbelievable amount of stress and frustration. This was while I played my beloved, most favourite Assassin's Creed. I was almost done with the game, just had one last memory block to play. I was so excited. I sat down tonight, all pumped up to finish the game( I love the feeling of ending a video game).
Turns out its fucking impossible to do so. Spent around 4 hours straight trying to get across one last assassination. Cant do it.  I tried everY possible strategy ( I refuse to use cheats!). It just wont happen

So I did what I thought I was incapable of doing.  I yelled 'Fuck this Shit!' , ejected the Cd and threw it away, as far as I could. I dont want to see that game ever again.
My actions are totally justified, I tell you. I play games because its, fun, it makes me feel good... I realized tonight all of a sudden, wait a not enjoying this at all. Infact, its quite the opposite. It wasnt a game I was playing, no sir. Thats an Anxiety Disorder with PTSD.

Screw you Altair Ibn-La-Ahad. I thought what we had was special. HMPH.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Dear Past Me

FUCK YOU for not studying and paying attention in class. I have craploads of assignments and projects due right now, and i have no idea how to go about doing them.
                                                                                                   Sincerely, Present me.
P.s: I also hate the fact that you ate so much, stuffed your face with fast food and soda. Thanks to you, Now I have to go on a diet. I have to clean up the mess you made!  Hmph.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Oh no you don't.

Winter approacheth. The most wonderful time of the year where my white blood cells pack up and go on tour to God-knows-where land, leaving my body vulnerable to a host of infections. The Flu, in particular has had a keen interest in me ever since I can remember. In winter my body is to flu what a pub is to an army of Irishmen.
Once I get the Flu, it turns into a fever which stays for a week and departs me with a good bye present- a cough that lasts for a month.
I roam the world, scared. The slightest sound of sniffing or sneezing sends me slithering miles away from the source where it spurted from.ssssSSSssss.  My cautious brain has evolved the ability to look through a sea of faces and point out that red nose and those swollen eyes that trigger the 'flu? flee!' alarm.In order to take precaution, I  bullshit myself by popping vitamin pills every now and then. ( It is the equivalent of hugging ones knees, sucking ones thumb and cradling back and forth, repeatedly saying:' its gonna be alright', knowing that the psycho serial killer is behind the door with a chainsaw).

I don't mind getting a fever. Its just the sore throat that drives me crazy. Also, the highly irritating sensation when you want to sneeze but cant, that makes me want to bite my face off. I don't want to get sick this season, I fucking hate the flu. I am going to take not-getting sick seriously. So seriously in fact, that I just Googled 'how to prevent flu'.  Me vs. Flu Germs, round 1 , fight.

Thursday 27 October 2011

4:19 am

Had a confusing and terrifying episode of sleep paralysis where during sleep, my brain woke up but my body was still asleep. It usually results in a hallucination and/or the feeling that some other agent is present right next to you. It was like a nightmare where i tried to scream  but no voice would come out. I tried to move my body but couldn't.

Whats concerning is that upon waking up, (rather than being terrified) I hopped out of bed at 4 am, excited out of my mind, texted all my friends and now i am blogging about this. I had a real hallucination! I saw a black shadowy figure approaching me. It was so cool.

Getting excited over having a nightmare is concerning...

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Insomnia induced queries

So..if somebody says:'You are funny as hell', is that a compliment or an insult or sarcasm, because from what i know hell aint funny.