monkey jewel

monkey jewel I supposed to write something here as well now?

Friday 4 May 2012

And Rant I shall

Tonight, I experienced an unbelievable amount of stress and frustration. This was while I played my beloved, most favourite Assassin's Creed. I was almost done with the game, just had one last memory block to play. I was so excited. I sat down tonight, all pumped up to finish the game( I love the feeling of ending a video game).
Turns out its fucking impossible to do so. Spent around 4 hours straight trying to get across one last assassination. Cant do it.  I tried everY possible strategy ( I refuse to use cheats!). It just wont happen

So I did what I thought I was incapable of doing.  I yelled 'Fuck this Shit!' , ejected the Cd and threw it away, as far as I could. I dont want to see that game ever again.
My actions are totally justified, I tell you. I play games because its, fun, it makes me feel good... I realized tonight all of a sudden, wait a not enjoying this at all. Infact, its quite the opposite. It wasnt a game I was playing, no sir. Thats an Anxiety Disorder with PTSD.

Screw you Altair Ibn-La-Ahad. I thought what we had was special. HMPH.


  1. right on. if you don't dig it, don't do it.

  2. lol, why throw the CD? Sell it on ebay.
